Is your Business Analysis staff up to date?
A lot of people in your company may do business analysis – business analysts, project and department managers, IT consultants, ect. So you might get a better night’s sleep knowing they do their job using the best practices available. That’s where we come in. Based on IIBA’s Business Analysis Body of Knowledge and expanding it with the best from traditional management theories and up-to-date practical corporate experience, our BA courses teach how to use the right techniques and how to use the techniques right.
- Requirements Gathering and Specification
- Requirements Elicitation
- Business Process Design
- Business Systems Analysis
Requirements Gathering and Specification
If you wish to increase your overall BA ability in a single course we recommend taking the Requirements Gathering and Specification course. The course presents all BABOK Knowledge Areas and the most commonly used techniques for each one. This includes portions of Requirements Elicitation, Business Process Design and Systems Analysis. The course is aimed to prepare you for the diverse set of challenges you may encounter in the BA profession.
Sofia – June 15-16, 2011
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When do the real requirements usually come? Early in the project during the initial requirements effort or late when deadlines are approaching? This course helps learn how to draw out the right requirements from the right people. It helps the business analyst identify the right stakeholders, focus on their needs and apply the relevant techniques to elicit information.
USA: (in partnership with Zaasti )
Charlotte, NC – Jul 7-8, 2011
Orlando, FL – Jul 7-8, 2011
Princeton, NJ – Jul 7-8, 2011
Tampa, FL – Jul 7-8, 2011
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Your business stakeholders find it hard to come up with requirements? Probably what they need is your help with designing their business process. Defining the right IT requirements is impossible before deciding on the work process the software is supposed to support.
Based on the ARIS framework, this course will help you prepare the process models – current situation (“As is”) and future proposal (“To be”). Additionally it will cover relevant aspects of stakeholder management and help you define transitional requirements to make the adoption of the new process much easier for your clients.
Do you know how to translate business talk into IT talk? Requirements elicited from stakeholders are rarely detailed enough for software developers to start working on them. This course helps you understand how software systems work and define requirements using various techniques that make them more detailed and more understandable for your development team.